
a+rouse (rise 느낌)

Not only the painting method but also the colors have aroused the interest of art critics.



"arouse"라는 단어는 고대 영어와 중세 영어에서 유래

  1. 고대 영어 (Old English): "arouse"는 고대 영어의 "ārisan"에서 비롯되었습니다. "ārisan"은 "일어나다", "상승하다"를 의미합니다. 이 단어는 "a-" (강조 접두사)와 "risan" (일어나다, 상승하다)으로 구성됨.
  2. 중세 영어 (Middle English): 중세 영어에서는 "arousen"이라는 형태로 나타남.
    이 단어는 "a-" (강조 접두사)와 "rousen" (일어나다, 일으키다)으로 구성.
    "rousen"은 고대 프랑스어 "reuser" (다시 일으키다, 자극하다)에서 유래한 것으로 추정됨

"arouse"는 결국 "awake", "stir up", "stimulate" 등의 의미로 발전하게 되었으며,

감정이나 반응을 자극하는 데 사용되는 현대 영어 단어로 사용됨





The main idea of your business plan is impressive. (당신의 사업계획이 인상적이에요)

Your performance was impressive. (네 공연 멋졌어)

His lecture was pretty impressive. (그의 강의는 꽤 인상적이었어)

Your new strategy is very impressive. (네 새로운 전략이 아주 인상적이야)



A: The main idea of your business plan is impressive.

B: Thank you! I'm glad you find the main idea of the business plan impressive.

What specifically caught your attention?


A: Your performance was impressive.

B: Thank you for the compliment!


A: His lecture was pretty impressive.

B: It sounds like you found the lecture engaging! 

What made it particularly impressive to you?


A: Your new strategy is very impressive.

B: Thank you for the compliment on the new strategy!

I'm thrilled to hear that you find it impressive.

If you have any questions about it or if there's anything specific you'd like to discuss, feel free to let me know!


I thought you guys don't have a lot in common.
We have a lot in common.
I found out that we have a lot in common.



A: I thought you guys don't have a lot in common.

B: I know, But...

A:  We have a lot in common.

B: It's true! Despite our differences, there are plenty of things we can relate to and discuss together. 

Whether it's exploring new hobbies, sharing experiences, or just chatting about life, there's always common ground to be found. 

What's something else we have in common?

A:  I found out that we have a lot in common.

B: That's great to hear! It's always nice to discover common ground with someone.

What similarities have you noticed between us?


starting dating John.
Did you start jogging ?
Why don't you start learning French?
I started getting up very early in the morning.



A: I starting dating John.

B: That sounds like a significant step!

How are you feeling about it?

Starting a new relationship can bring a mix of emotions, from excitement to uncertainty.

It's important to communicate openly and honestly with each other as you navigate this new chapter together.


A: Did you start jogging? I stat jogging.

B: That's fantastic! Jogging can be a great way to boost your mood, improve your fitness, and enjoy some time outdoors. Just remember to start at a pace that feels comfortable for you and listen to your body. And don't forget to stay hydrated and stretch before and after your run. Keep up the good work!


A: Why don't you start learning French?

B: Learning French could be a fun challenge.

A: I started getting up very early in the morning.

B: Getting up early can be a game-changer for productivity and overall well-being!

It gives you a quiet, peaceful time to start your day and tackle tasks with a fresh mind. How's the early rising going for you? If you need any tips or advice on making the most of those early hours, I'm here to help!

You haven't changed at all. (너는 하나도 안변했네)

I don't exercise at all. (나는 운동을 전혀안해)

I haven't eatent at all. (나는 아무것도 안먹었어)

I couldn't enjoy myself at all. (나는 전혀 즐길수가 없어)


A: You haven't changed at all.

B: You caught me! Still the same ol' me.

But hey, sometimes consistency is a good thing, right?

What's on your mind today?


A: I don't exercise at all.

B: Exercise isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it does have its perks!

Even small steps like taking short walks or trying out some gentle stretching can make a difference.

What's holding you back from giving it a shot?


A: I haven't eatent at all.

B: Skipping meals isn't ideal for your health.

Are you feeling okay?

If you're not hungry, it's still important to make sure you're getting the nutrients your body needs.

Maybe consider something light and nutritious, like a piece of fruit or some veggies with hummus.

Taking care of yourself is important.


A: I couldn't enjoy myself at all.

B: I'm sorry to hear that.

It sounds like you might be going through a tough time.

Is there anything specific that's been bothering you lately?

Sometimes talking about what's on your mind can help lighten the load.


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